Friday, August 26, 2011

Plan Raye 2011

Aq nk ucapkan rse kagum aq dekat bloggers sekalian... Bgus la korang... Rajinnye update blog korang... Aq ni buat post klau rse ade ilham je nk tulis... Huhuhu.. Berikan tepukan gemuruh untuk para blogers!!!*penonton sume bangun tepuk tangan.

Tbe2 otak aq blank plak.... Adehh... Dengar lagu mash-up 'thriller' ngn 'heads will roll' la ni... Now I'm back in square one... Memandangkan raye da nak dekat ni... Abes 1 ari aq kemas bilik ni.... Da lawa da... Cme blom vakum je... Dengan barang2 u aq blom pack pape lg.... Ngn ptptn yg merumitkan lagi keadaan... Aq x rse pape pown... Biase je.. x excited langsong nk raye ke nk masok u ke... T nengok ar da last2 minit t mesti merah telinga aq dengar mak aq start bebel suro siap2.... Hahaha...

Kalau dulu pagi raye pertame tu baru aq bertolak dari rumah pergi Masjid Sultan Abu Bakar kat jb tu, pas ue g kubur jap kat mahmudiah tu.... Then baru aq balek kampung... Tapi skang rutin dye sme je.... Cme aq balek kampung awal sket... Dalam 2-3 ari lagi nk raye aq da balek da.... Jadual raye pown taon ni pack gle... Raye ke-4 aq da kene balek umah da...Wuuuuu... nak wat cmne barang2 aq nak masok u tu nk kene settlekan... Then esoknye kte naek melaka plak.. Raye meronggeng kat sane plak.. Seb baek family Mak Uda aq ramai.... Sume sepupu aq da kawen.. Haha... Aq pown ade sejarah gak ngn anak sedare aq kt sne dlu mse kecik2...... Anyway jalan2 kejap kat sane, 6hb da kene register masok u.... Aq x merantau jaoh pown... Mase skola menengah kat muar... Then dapat matrik kat tangkak je... Korang bagtaw aq sket bape jaoh sangat la kemajuan aq?? dpd muar ke tangkak tu...... Pas ue dapat sambong kat melaka plak tu.. Pusing2 kat area tu jugak... Da macam cinta tiga segi da antare muar-tangkak-melaka ni.... Hahaha.. Yang mane satu aq nk sayang ni?

Nmpknye tu la plan utk raye taon ni.... Akan datang t cmne la pule ye... Aq follow the flow je.. Korang pown plan la btol2 ye.. Ni sume adalah utk mengelakkan dpd perkare yg x diingini berlaku.... Kennyfm roger and out(o_0)

A Letter for Kak Melinda

To my dear Kak Melinda,

Hi sis... How are you? I hope you are fine... I'm doing okay here.. So as the rest of the family.. Err.. Firstly I think  I owe you an apology... I wanna send an actual letter to you but since you've changed your address so I guess its no use to send you one and since I really felt to write you some especially before I go for further studies, I pour my heart on writing to you by writing it on my blog... I know the chance for you to read this is so small because I'm sure that you didn't know I have a blog page... Anyway I just wanna say that I really looking up to you... You are my idol... Heh.. I know its funny because we're not even studying in the same thing but I've pushed myself hard to keep up with your success in my own way... Everything that I do I'd always compared to what you would do if you're in my situation.. I know I'm not as good as you in sorting things out since I don't have any specialty in phsycology like you do... I meant like not being a caunselor like you but I want to run my life like you do... Cleverly, cunning, never gave a chance for trouble to knock you down... Just for you to know, I'm crying while writing you this... Hahahaha... Isn't funny.. Its proof that I'm still way far from being in your level... You never talked with emotions in any conditions.. I really respect you for that................and also envy you for that too... You made it like its so easy.. Forget that kay.. I'm just babbling.. Hahaha.. Before you fall asleep for reading this(if you reading it), I wanna tell you that I'm now finished school.. I'm about to enter the real world... Though I only got the chance to further my studies in local university this september..If I got an offer to go to Australia then it will really be fun.. We can hangout often and maybe be the best of mates!! But never mind... I'm still gonna do my best here because I know the challange is the same.. I know you are proud of me... Damn I really missed you sis... Oh! does your friend still call you Mel? Haha.. You know your mom doesn't like it much.. Haha... I don't know why but somehow that thing suddenly crossed my mind... While I busy on how to proceed my life to the next level and what to do with it, Soufi and Melissa are both struggling in their big exams this year.. These exams will determine which school they're going to go next year.. Dad's always full teaching them.. Haha... They go to tuition and all but still, they need home tutor.. That what dad said though.. Mom's busy making new curtain for the comming holiday... She got high blood pressure now but she's doing fine... Everyone is taking care of her.. So don't you worry bout her kay... I wish I can know you better... Well I mean our siblings like a special case right.. We have dad being a navy once before... Travelling to Australia... Then you were born, growing up there, studied there.... I know its lucky that our nephew lived there... So you have to stay there and its tough time back then... I never saw you when I was born... First time I saw you was when I'm in my first year secondary school... Do you remember? That time you've already finished your study... At first we're kinda like 'stranger' like feeling................. Okay2 its just me and the others that felt that way.. But you treated us like you've met us for a long time... From there I opened my eyes and started to be like you sis.. Sometimes I felt really jealous with other people that are so close to their siblings... I really wanna know what it feels to have a sister, to have someone that is older than me other than mom and dad in the family.. I admit I went through really bad times in life just to study how to be like you.. but now I think I'm getting better... I think... I'm still trying though.. A lot that I've learned.. So much and I imagine you having the same bad times during your days.... That what I always told myself whenever something doesn't go smoothly... If you can do it why can't I? I really wish that I can go to your place to surprise you... One day you'll see.. I'm gonna pop out of nowhere and make you jump.. Haha... I like your passion with people.. That's why you took phsycology right sis? Mine is for music.. I'm really sensitive when it getting down to music.. That's what makes you fired up to keep on going right? If you nurture your passion well, then nothing can stop you.. That's what I've learned through my life...Well, I think maybe that's all for now sis.. Its already 3 a.m... Don't tell dad kay.. Haha.. We'll meet again.. Remember that I love you soooooooooo much!!!! Know what? I'm still crying.. Haha... Hey don't start to think I'm sissy just by saying this and being in this condition kay.. I'm still a man but I guess its not wrong to express your feeling especially to the best sis ever! See you soon.. I have some good songs for you.. I'll post it in the future..

With love from your brother,

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Kali ni aq nak kupas tajuk musik dari sudut pandangan aq sendiri... Ada pepatah inggeris cakap yang musik boleh merawat sakit, samada luaran mahupown dalaman.... Agagagagaga... Nape aq cakap skema sangat ni... Adehhh.. Hahaha.. Aq nak cite pe yang musik boleh buat pada aq.. Haaaa

Aq ngaku walopown mende yang aq bakal bagitaw ni akan menjatuhkan ke'macho'an aq tapi aq tetap nak bagitaw jugak sebab suke ati aq la ek... Da ni blog aq.. x kesa la aq nak luahkan pe pown.. Hehe.. Percaye atau x sbenarnye memang ade certain2 lagu yang aq pantang dengar... Kalau aq dengar boleh membuatkan air mata jantanku gugur.. Hahahaha.. Macam kelakar an? Tapi nak buat macam mane.. Da x leyh nak tahan... Wuuuu...

Aq ni seorang yang sangat peka dengan musik.... Orang selalu pilih musik feveret dyorang melalui band or melalui artis tu sendiri... Maksudnye klau dye minat sorang artis atau satu band ni then lagu feveret dye sume artis tu or band tu punye lagu je... Tapi aq x macam tu.. Aq nilai sebuah sesebuah perkara tu melalui seninye berdasarkan pandangan aq sendiri... Aq suke lagu yang ade nilai seni yang tersendiri... Daripada lirik dye, daripada suaranye... Harmoni suara tu... Sbenarnye aq teliti sume tu ea bile aq dengar lagu.. Maybe ni pown ade kene-mengena dengan kepekaan aq terhadap bunyi kowt(kalau korang ade bace la post aq yang lepas)...

Aq tetibe je de niat nak tulis post pasal mende ni sume sebab satu cerite siri ni... Kalau dulu aq demam cite "high school musical", skang ni aq tersangat la kemaruk cite "GLEE"... Aq taw korang sume taw cite2 ni sume.. Aq je yang ketinggalan nak nengok... Huhu.. Tapi papepown aq pnye kemaruk ngan cite GLEE ni sampai aq sanggup beli DVD cite ni... Haha... Sanggup habis RM70 semata-mata nak beli season 1 dengan season 2 complete set... Tapi yang sedihnye aq baru je habis nengok sume cite tu.... Wuuuu.... X puas!!!! Tapi aq x sabar2 nak tunggu season 3... dengar khabarnye akan release dalam bulan 9 ni kat america... xpe.. Aq sanggup tunggu... Skang aq tersangat la bersemangat nak menyanyi.... Kalau dinilai lagu2 ngan lirik2 yang ade dalam cite tu memang tersangat la best dan high class... Jalan cite dye pown sangat mendalam, teliti dan penuh makna... Cite tentang kehidupan sbenarnye... Kehidupan seorang 'loser'... Huhu..

Hmmm... Sampai sini je la aq membebel ea.. Sape yang satu kepala ngan aq angkat tangan!!! Hahaha... Kennyfm roger and out(o_0)

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Baru perasan

Harini aq x taw nak tulis ape... Bukannya ada orang nak baca pown.. huhu.. Tapi xpe la.. Bia la aq luahkan pe yang aq rase da aq simpan seberapa lame ni.. Actually xde la mende penting pown.. Just sumting yang aq baru perasan baru2 ni walaopown da hampir 20 taon aq idop.. haha..

Aq baru perasan selama ni macam mane aq boleh ingat pe yang jadik kat aq, kenangan2 lama2 dulu aq boleh ingat sebab time tu je yang aq rase aq jadik diri aq yang sebenar.. Contoh macam mana aq boleh ingat aq hafal lagu pe mase darjah 1 dulu, macam mane aq boleh ingat suasana mase aq jadik pelajar tumpang kat kampung dulu, macam mane aq boleh ingat sumone yang aq da 17 tahun x jumpa.... Haha.. Sume tu aq pikir2 balek rupenye sebab peristiwa yang aq alami tu dulu sume aq sangat sangat sangaaaat la diri aq.. Kene dengan jiwa aq kowt.. Ayat pown da macam pe da ni.. Tu la satu yang aq perasan pasal diri aq ni..

Satu lagi yang aq perasan ni ade kene-mengena dengan bunyi.. Kenape bunyi? Actually aq x berape pasti la ni ade kene-mengena ngan bunyi ke ni masalah telinga aq... Aq ni rupenye sangat peka dengan bunyi.. Mula2 aq ingat biase2 je sampai la aritu aq perasan yang selama ni kadang2 bunyi yang aq buat dalam hati pown aq boley ingat mende tu btol.. Contohnye macam kadang2 kalau aq duduk sorang2 an, t kadang aq ternyanyi lagu ringtone handset aq je aq da ingat handset aq yang bunyi.. Hahahaha.. Tah pape je an.. Tapi nak buat macam mane... Tu la die lagi satu mende yang aq perasan pasal diri aq baru2 ni..

Last skali yang aq perasan ialah mindset ni.. Aq baru taw yang tersangat la susah rupenye untuk aq kawal mindset aq ni.. x gune.. Penat je aq training bawah air terjun, buat yoga ngan bertapa dalam gua... Haha... Jus kidding.. xde la sampai macam tu skali.. Aq pelik klau kat rumah aq buat keje sket je yang ade kaitan dengan habuk mesti idung aq da meletup da... Macam krakatoa da.. Hahaha... Kene habuk sket je da kene bersin2.. Tapi yang peliknye kalau kat tempat kerja aq lagi banyak habuk yang aq redah.. xde pulak aq bersin even skali pown.. Hmmmm... Anehnye.. Huhuhu.. Kes tido pown sama.. Kalau kat ostel ke kat tempat laen ke sangat la senang aq bangun pagi and nk tetapkan mindset aq untuk bangun awal... Siap tolong kejutkan orang lagi dulu(sape la tu.. Haha)... Tapi kalau kat umah je nak bangun awal tu umpama mustahil.. x taw kenapa tapi sangat susah.. Sumone help me!!!

Aq x taw pe kene ngan aq ni.. So xde pe lagi yang nak dicerita so kennyfm roger and out(o_0)